
Monday, May 9, 2011

I Have a Dream

In case you aren't aware, we closed on our New Orleans house and our Starkville house 4 days apart a little over a week ago.  Fun fun fun.....haha.  BUT, we aren't moving into the new place for another 7 days.  These 7 days can not come quick enough!  As WONDERFUL as it has been to live in a very nice, not to mention, FREE condo, it still remains to be a 1 bedroom condo.  That 1 bedroom is also owned by our enchanting little boy Aidan.  We have been sleeping on an air mattress since February and it's really beginning to get to me.  Aidan's newest and most favorite word is "ousiiiiii" this translates to "OUTSIDE".  He stands at the door and screams to go outside, when we quietly tell him "no" he melts down into a puddle of tears (is it bad that we laugh?? ha).  I would LOVE for my child to run free outside, but we don't have outside at the condo.  There is a parking lot!!  And all he wants to do is throw rocks and run in the parking lot!! 

The one bedroom he owns is also a bit of a problem.  See...he goes to bed around 7:45 every night.  So that means that anything in the bedroom (ie: my clothes, shoes, existence...) is out of bounds after baby is in bed.  An example of how this is a problem:  Yesterday I was wearing a shirt that required a strapless bra.  Aidan wanted to roll around on the bed and be tickled.  Well strapless bras and rolling around just don't mix, so I took off my bra and put it in the drawer (don't worry, I still had a shirt on and it was only George, baby and myself...).  Well after Aidan goes to bed I need to run an errand, and then realize,'s in the bedroom.  I then proceed to layer on 4 of my husbands t shirts, 2 of which I literally stole off of his back.  Something of this nature happens on a daily basis.  The lovely air mattress I mentioned earlier.  Well those suckers have to be inflated every week....except who thinks about it until you actually get into bed.  And by the time that happens, there is no way you can blow it up.  It's like a rocket ship taking off in the living room and it would surely wake the baby, and that's not a pretty site. 

I have a dream..... in 7 days, we will be in the new house.  Instead of 1 bedroom.....we have 4, and his is on the other side of the house....ahhh....what a lovely sigh of relief.  I can changed my clothes 75 times a night if I want to without waking the kid.  I can take a bath or a shower without waking the kid.  "OUSIIII" he may scream....well if you say "PLEASE OUSIIII" I will be more than obliged to open the back door and let you roam free in our huge backyard.  Get some grass stains kiddo, I know you wanna.  I could care less.