
Monday, March 21, 2011

The Terrible Twos Begin....

Ok, so it's no secret that I'm not totally stoked about being a single Mom right now.  It's just plain hard and frustrating beyond belief.  I'm not the world's most patient person, so when Aidan begins to be a handful I usually have my trusty and VERY patient husband to jump in....not the case anymore.   This is even more difficult now that Aidan is getting older, more independent and completely in the terrible twos.  He climbs everything possible.  I go to put clothes in the washing machine, turn around and he's on top of a chair, and then on top of the dining room table, and he's thinking of jumping to his death onto the kitchen floor, because I guess that just sounds like loads of fun to a 19 month year old.  I wanted a baby, not a MONKEY!  Yesterday morning I was lucky enough to actually have my husband at home with me in Starkville.  Sadly it was Sunday and he had to leave around 10:00am, but that gave me about two hours of happy family time, right??  WRONG.  Aidan was just angry, no clue why, just angry at the world.  He screamed when he was on the ground, he screamed when you picked him up, no cookie, cracker, cup or Elmo would make him happy (all things that usually invoke immense delight).  I may have had a bit of a breakdown on the couch realizing my husband was about to leave me, all alone, with the possessed angry screaming little boy ALL day, ALL WEEK!!  It just hit me, and I could not control the tears!!  What have I turned into?!?!  Laura does not CRY!  There's no CRYING in Mommy World (ha, BET).  Don't worry though, it only lasted for a few minutes and then I pulled myself together and kissed George goodbye. 

Once George left I put Aidan down for a very early nap (due to his retched attitude).  He slept for a little over an hour.  When he woke up, I could hear him playing in his crib, so happy, talking to his toys and blanket, but I don't go in until he actually calls me.  "Mommy!", ok, that's my I come to take you out of the crib so we can go outside and blow bubbles.  I open the door, and there he is... sitting on the floor... NOT IN HIS CRIB, yep, I didn't get a baby, I totally got a monkey...

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